I witnessed a SKID
Presentation (Stop Kids’ Impaired Driving) this week. The students of Jesuit High School huddled on rainy
bleachers while a graphic drunk driving dramatization played out before them.
The reenactment gripped their every sense - ambulance sirens, helicopter
vibrations, blood soaked bodies, a sobbing mother – and absolute silence as the
Medical Examiner arrived – a sight almost too unbearable to watch.
Hopefully the full-of-life teens will reflect on the
message. The adults certainly did – many brushing away tears as they shuddered
at the thought.
Organizing, productivity, time management – the desire to be
more efficient –they’re all about priorities. And we often experience
discomfort, pain even, as a result of disorder. Perhaps these feelings are so
powerful because intuitively we know our priorities are out of whack - that
we’re spending too much time on the wrong things.
I hadn’t planned on attending the SKID program. I was facing
a lengthy list of tasks and projects and was feeling decidedly disorganized. I wrestled
all morning with focus.
And then something interesting happened. I watched the SKID
demonstration and was reminded of my priorities – my REAL priorities – and the
rest of my day was the picture of productivity. Perhaps it’s not the organizing
that makes room for priorities; but rather, the focus on priorities that leads
us to be more productive. Thoughts?